美国百强大学叶史瓦大学Yeshiva University与中国高校共建3 2本硕连读奖学金项目
TNE Global热忱欢迎更多的中国高等教育机构与我们接洽叶史瓦大学合作办学项目。
넶0 2023-07-05 -
TNE Global Learning Platform Vietnam to be open in July 2022
넶59 2022-06-07 -
TNE Global launches new office in Chengdu, China
TNE Global enters into a strategic partnership with Chengdu Jincheng College, one of the largest and top-ranked private universities in China. Students in the region will be able to access TNE Global international programs, pathways, and English language training. Those programs will be delivered in the blended learning model.
Office Manager: Ms. Elaine Yu
E-mail: elaine.yu@tneglobal.cn넶35 2022-06-07